I have 3ds max and Maya for 3d modeling, are these compatible software packages and if yes what file format do I need to export my.

dds is a DirectX image format, but you can use bmp, jpg, png, or tgaįiles too. dds file? how do I create some with my planetary textures? I have Photoshop and Corel draw. I could explain everything in deep but that would be a lot of text and because of that i'll quote a Q/A of the Universe Sandbox Forum and leave you the link. You can add your own textures and even full 3d models, that's what "User Objects" were in the first game. I can't give you an answer for Universe Sandbox 2 but something similar was available in the first game. So my first answer is just for Universe Sanbox 1. We'll hopefully add it at some point in the future though. After i played around and Finn Rayment did not get it to work, i just started a thread in the Steamcommunity about this and got the following answer from a developer